Cathedral demolition by on Photosynth
Python and GIS
BING Travel Data
Just some interesting pages that I saw on the web…
Mapstraction is a Javascript library that provides a single, common interface for a wide variety of Javascript map APIs. It’s designed to enable a developer to switch from one maps API to another as smoothly and as quickly as possible.
Performing Line of Sight analysis from PostGIS
Map generalisation (coastlines) and ray tracing
MapProxy is an open source proxy for geospatial data. It caches, accelerates and transforms data from existing map services and serves any desktop or web GIS client.
Vectorize raster maps including OCR of text
This project aims to automate a manual process: geographic polygon and attribute data extraction from maps including those from insurance atlases published in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
I needed to rename a set of files , keeping the original name but adding a suffix. Powershell can do this quite easily using the following:
PS C:\data\photos> Dir | Rename-Item -NewName { $ -replace ".jpg","_840.jpg" }
this will take all .jpg files in the folder and change the name to include an _840.jpg… which in my case was the vertical dimensions of the image set.
Sourced from
here is how to use powershell to renumber files sequentially.. be careful not to renumber files you don’t want renumbered!! Best to move all the files to a new temp folder to do this….
1) copy paste as single line into powershell
function Rename-Bulk($prefix){$files = Get-ChildItem;$id = 1;$files | foreach { Rename-Item -Path $_.fullname -NewName ( $prefix + ((($id++).tostring()).padleft(($files.count.tostring()).length) -replace ' ','0' ) + $_.extension) }}
2) CD to folder in powershell
3) Rename-Bulk('img') where img is the prefix for all output with sequential number following
This will find all .txt (text) files and merge into a single document in c:\temp folder.Get-Content .\*.txt | Out-File c:\temp\merged.txt
create table houseprice03_msoa_ew
(la_code text,
la_name text,
msoa_code text,
msoa_name text,
price_all_dwellings_2percentile integer,
price_all_dwellings_lower_quartile integer,
price_all_dwellings__median integer,
price_all_dwellings__upper_quartile integer,
price_all_dwellings_98precentilentile integer,
price_all_dwellings__mean integer
COPY houseprice03_msoa_ew FROM 'C:\Data\GIS\MartynDorey\CensusData\2003 Houseprices\houseprice2003_G080309_2288_GeoPolicy_MSOA.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
I read a Tweet about a new 3D visualisation of OSM using a new rendering engine.
It includes some animation (eg water surfaces, and fountains)…
Overall the graphic is pretty good.. but the actual data is still poor.
It assumes a flat world with no terrain, and building heights are somewhat arbitrary.
Here’s a view of Edinburgh (Scotland).. looking along Princes Street with Edinburgh Castle on the right, and Calton Hill in the distance. In reality the Castle is way up high on a volcanic plug (hill)… and the gardens infront of it are in a valley.
Here’s another view…. this time looking at the Castle from above East Princes Street Gardens (near The Mound)
Here’s a quick comparison of the first image from F4 and Google Earth… as you can see GE includes the topography.
Steps to install a web app on IIS
1) Write ASPx code etc in Vis Studio
2) Make a folder somewhere and in VS choose publish to File- putting in that folder
3)Zip up that folder and copy folder to server somewhere
4) For some reason the install application button is missing on IIS…
Follow this to add the button:
Which tells you to install web deploy from MS
5) Then IMPORT the application – set to the default web site
6) Right click on the folder you imported in IIS and CONVERT TO APPLICATION
7) Possible issues:
- you might need to make a new application pool (check left side of IIS management console for Application Pools) – then set the application to an application pool which is integrated and using .net 4+
- You might need to enable 32bit applications for that new application pool – advanced properties and set 32bit apps to TRUE
- you might find ASPX.NET service isn’t running.. check SERVICES from Start menu / control panel – and set from manual to automatic.. and start it running
- you might need to compile your code for ANY CPU
- don’t forget to copy across all .dlls should happen automatically but worth checking they’re all in the bin folder as required
I was wondering how to walk networks without using pgRouting…. and found Paul Ramsey’s blog had the answer…
The text here is taken from his blog.. backed up here for future quick reference.
CREATE TABLE network ( segment geometry, id integer primary key );
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(1 1, 0 0)', 1);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(2 1, 1 1)', 2);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(1 2, 1 1)', 3);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(3 1, 2 1)', 4);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(3 2, 2 1)', 5);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(2 3, 1 2)', 6);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(1 3, 1 2)', 7);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(4 2, 3 2)', 8);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(3 4, 2 3)', 9);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(2 4, 2 3)', 10);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(1 4, 1 3)', 11);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(4 3, 4 2)', 12);
INSERT INTO network VALUES ('LINESTRING(4 4, 3 4)', 13);
CREATE INDEX network_gix ON network USING GIST (segment);
WITH RECURSIVE walk_network(id, segment) AS (
SELECT id, segment FROM network WHERE id = 6
SELECT, n.segment
FROM network n, walk_network w
WHERE ST_DWithin(ST_EndPoint(w.segment),ST_StartPoint(n.segment),0.01)
FROM walk_network
(3 rows)
This can be made into a function like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION downstream(integer)
RETURNS geometry
AS '
WITH RECURSIVE walk_network(id, segment) AS (
SELECT id, segment FROM network WHERE id = $1
SELECT, n.segment
FROM network n, walk_network w
WHERE ST_DWithin(ST_EndPoint(w.segment),ST_StartPoint(n.segment),0.01)
SELECT ST_MakeLine(ST_EndPoint(segment))
FROM walk_network
=# SELECT ST_AsText(Downstream(12));
LINESTRING(4 2,3 2,2 1,1 1,0 0)
(1 row)
Here are some useful links for accessing Crowd Sourced data:
Bike Data for Shared Bike Schemes: - check the API pages
> Example of its use:
This is worth knowing when using SQLite and the System.Data.Sqlite .Net library.
1) Various connection strings
using cache> Data Source=c:\mydb.db;Version=3;Cache Size=3000;
using a memory database> Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True;
read only> Data Source=c:\mydb.db;Version=3;Read Only=True;
Journal files>
Data Source=c:\mydb.db;Version=3;Journal Mode=Off;
Data Source=c:\mydb.db;Version=3;Synchronous=Full;
(means full flush after each write)Using compression >
Data Source=c:\mydb.db;Version=3;Compress=True;
2) DB locking issues and how to get around it
using (SqliteConnection sqlCon = new SqliteConnection(connStr))
using(SqliteCommand sqlCom = new SqliteCommand(sqlCon, sqlStr)){
using(SqliteDataReader rdr = sqlCom.ExecuteReader())
//do data stuff
sqlCon.Close(); //CLOSE sqlCon BEFORE sqlCom IS DESTROYED!
I’ve been working the last 2 weeks on a central logging tool, and a web dashboard. The idea is that any component in a system can post a log record to the central logging server.
Log sentences are defined to be 4 parts long… these are message type (msgtype), message part 1 (msg1), message part 2 (msg2), and message part 3 (msg3). Each part is sent as a string. The server runs a concurrent memory queue, each TCP client sends a log… and the server time and task id are added at the time they arrive.
Every so often (eg 5 seconds or 100 new entries) the memory queue is cleared in a transactional update to the central SQL Lite DB. From testing it seems that this easily supports 10 concurrent users posting 10,000 records at the rate of 2000 inserts per second across the internet. Which is fine for what we need.
The second part is the dashboard, which I built using ASPX and a web service. It also uses OpenLayers to connect to a GeoServer instance to display map content. I use Flexigrid ( to display the attribute data and allow for sorting and filtering.
I had 3 main issues with taking the running application from the dev environment to operational. These were:
1) the SQL Lite library supports 32bit and 64bit. I’d dev on a 32bit machine but was trying to run it on a 64bit server. I got around this by creating an IIS application pool and setting it to allow 32bit apps, then assigning this to the web app I’m deploying.
2) The service wasn’t available from any remote web browser, it only ran on the local machine (the web server itself). To fix this I had to add some extra lines to the webconfig…
inside of the <configuration> <system.web>
add this section
<add name="HttpPost" />
<add name="HttpGet" />
For more info:
3) Everything was running fine on the IIS server…until after a while the locationservice.svc was reported to be not be available from the browser.. the error the server reported was:
“Could not load file or assembly App_Web...”
So I copied the files across again to the IIS server and it would all be fine for a while again… until an hour or so later packing up again. This turned out to be an issue where the server recompiles the ASPX code every so often. To turn this facility off you need to add the following to the web config… under <system.web>
<compilation debug="false" batch="false" />
For more on this error and the fix check this link: