Merging a set of files into one large file
Start PowerShell then use CD to move to the Directory with the files to merge
Get-Content .\*.txt | Out-File c:\temp\merged.txt
This will find all .txt (text) files and merge into a single document in c:\temp folder.
However I found the output was in Unicode format… and to then load this into PostgreSQL
So I then loaded and saved the file using textpad in UTF-8 format
then create the table in PG….
create table houseprice03_msoa_ew
(la_code text,
la_name text,
msoa_code text,
msoa_name text,
price_all_dwellings_2percentile integer,
price_all_dwellings_lower_quartile integer,
price_all_dwellings__median integer,
price_all_dwellings__upper_quartile integer,
price_all_dwellings_98precentilentile integer,
price_all_dwellings__mean integer
and then copy the data into that table…
COPY houseprice03_msoa_ew FROM 'C:\Data\GIS\MartynDorey\CensusData\2003 Houseprices\houseprice2003_G080309_2288_GeoPolicy_MSOA.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;